Please declutter it

in The MINIMALISTlast month


It was exactly this same day last week, Friday, when my neighbor came back from his hustling place a bit early, as he usually comes back around 6:00 pm. He stopped by my workplace with a round folded newspaper in his hand. I knew he was holding a newspaper, but I didn’t know how many bunches of it until he dropped it on my desk while explaining why he came back from work very early. According to him, they had very little work to attend to, which means little pay as well. As he was coming back, he stopped at a newspaper vendor to glance at some hot news, and some of the headlines captured his eye, so he bought it.

"Bro, you always amuse me. You're the only young guy I know who buys books and newspapers to read in this era. What happened to soft copies that you can easily download or read online without payment?"

"Hahahahah! You're bringing this sermon again? I've told you that I love to read hard copies, as I'm not among you 'Gen Z' types," he said as he sat down properly to read his newly bought bunch of newspapers.

My neighbor is a bookworm and totally lacks the skill to keep the books intact. He has a wooden table with up to three drawers attached to it in his small space room, and that's where he does his reading. The drawers are big enough to contain almost half of his books, but no, he doesn't like keeping them in the drawers. He prefers to have them on his table, not even arranged; the books are scattered everywhere with no single surface of the table exposed...It's just a scene of a student trying to read every single books in the world the night before an important exam.

Each time I enter his house, the sight of the table makes my eyes cry, and it becomes worse whenever my brain reminds me that he's buying all the books, especially the newspapers that fade away in a number of days or weeks.

Although it's his house, his table, his books, I've tried telling him to declutter the table by putting the used books inside the drawers if he can't do away with them so the table could look more presentable. At least, it wouldn't scare away a non-bookworm when they enter his room. But he said no, that he makes use of all of them. I wonder what usefulness he's finding in newspapers from last year (2023).

As much as I'm trying to practice my minimalist lifestyle, I still have some areas where people think I'm not doing enough or overdoing it, which is very normal too. But the sight of seeing 'useless' books littered everywhere gets me sick in the head. It makes me feel headache.
It's not like I don't love to read, of course I read daily but making such as obvious habit of reading by sampling every damn books everywhere is a no for me.

Thanks for reading.

This is my response to #KISS

| All photos are mine|


😂😂 he is keeping them for his grand kids to come and use to make paper planes 😂😂

Maybe this is true...

You know, maybe a time will come where old newspapers will be a hot commodity just the way old sewing machines were😂

😂😂😂, I doubt that ooooo