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RE: Stinginess or minimalist lifestyle?

in The MINIMALISTlast year

Hey there!
You've touched on some good points.
Stinginess has nothing to do with minimalism.

Stinginess on the other hand involves saving money at all costs, even at the cost of your health and happiness. So to a certain extent, you might start to neglect even your needs, and this is contrary to what minimalism is about.

👆 That's correct.

The minimalist concept of less is more can be understood when viewed as quality over quantity. Therefore, a minimalist can analyse all aspects of their lives to determine what is necessary; What serves a purpose, what brings joy, and what exactly they need, so hoarding does not come into play. When all those things are decided, they keep the essentials. However, minimalism is not focused on tangible possession, and health and a healthy holistic lifestyle are priorities with a focus on well-being, spiritual growth, and living in harmony with the environment.
Minimalists enjoy experiences over physical items. Those experiences are usually ones for personal development, such as exploring the world, learning about different cultures, and creating memories instead of collecting physical souvenirs.

Poverty or lack of money which inhibits one from purchasing the things they desire is also different from minimalism, and the main difference is "content". Poor people's mindset is that they need to have material things to make their lives better, whereas minimalists are content with very little becuase their happiness comes from within.

Great topic and minimalism has many layers and aspects involved:))

small KISS Gif.gif
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

lips sealed

speaking lips


Okay I haven’t really thought of minimalism from the context of self-satisfaction and contentment before now, but I absolutely understand and agree with you. I guess being satisfied with what you have and not hoarding some bunch of unnecessary things count too.

I guess being satisfied with what you have and not hoarding some bunch of unnecessary things count too.

Yes, in many ways.

Possession is one of the things foremost on people's minds when they think of minimalism, but there are so many other aspects.
I think being content, and happy from within are two important abilities that minimalists tend to have.
Those are great questions that you have though.

On another subject; Poverty (living without financial means) is also different from living a minimalist lifestyle. Many poor people crave to have all the materialistic things in the world thinking that it would make their lives better. That's one of the reasons why rags to riches seldom end up in a success story... simply because of the mindset:)

Yeah I think the wiki definition clearly points that out by saying “intentionally”. Poor people are not really living by minimalism because unlike minimalist, they can’t afford the things they’re living less on, so it’s not really a choice for them. If the narrative was different for them, they’d probably buy up everything they could get their hands on.

👆 You get the point completely 👏

If the narrative was different for them, they’d probably buy up everything they could get their hands on.
