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RE: The Gift Isn't the Gift | KISS #110

in The MINIMALISTlast month

Thank you 😊
I find yoga taught in the UK very impersonal and mainly focuses on the asanas more than the spiritual side, so I prefer to do it overseas. Also, since I'm always moving location, it would end up being more expensive in the UK. In Bali, a destination course includes meals and a total package plus a cultural experience.

I was hoping maybe there was some strange coincidence that you were probably planning to do a course. Then we could have done it together 😁


I see what you mean! I see that here a lot too, a focus on the asanas, certainly. To the point of treating it like any other "sport" or at least sport-y leisure activity/workout.

Oh man, that would be so cool. To be honest though, my budget's taut as it this year. Hoping to get to Hivefest in September, so a trip to Bali, much as it is on my bucket list, probably isn't for 2024. <3

That's so right. Doing yoga here is like a physical education class.
Yeah, it would be so cool, but I get it about your budget. I honestly thought I'd have to give up on this dream.
I hope that Hivefest is great, though. I'd love to go to one of them someday.😍