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RE: Stacked. | #KISS Blog No. 73

in The MINIMALIST10 months ago

Oh - books!

Big ones, small ones, paper ones, digital ones...


(me too :D )

Glad I chose today to check in with you, darling human. I'm now inspired to write for the prompt. Will I manage to sit my ass down and do it is the question. Regardless, I got to read you and catch up with you.

I do hope you're okay out there in the world. Sending love and wonder <3


ALL books! xD

I'll be looking around for your post on it then. I figured if I don't contribute to this one, at least, then where, right? I'm good, yeah. Moving forward at a faster rate than when I previously thought I was moving forward, if that makes sense.

Hugs <3

I have not had the concentration to sit and write yet! 😅

I think it's the lack of nicotine, quite honestly. I'm on the go a lot more. Physically that is. I forgot how much I adore moving / training. And we are moving into summer. And I am in a conservationb zone / almost nature reserve.

But I have stories swimming around in my brain and need to figure this part out now. It's time.

Yes it toptally makes sense :)

yes to ALL books! ❤️

Moving's good. Necessary. People who stand in place die. I just remembered having a dream along those exact lines, almost a year to the day, before leaving for my trip through Europe. What a bizarre little moment. Speaking to you always seems to draw up emotions and thoughts and stuff.

It's time.

Ah, the moment of finding balance after a great transformation? Exciting! :)


I think honest convo does that always.

Oof. Finding balance? Not yet, Honey. But small steps maybe towards making a possible decision sometime in the unforseeable future :D

One day at a time. That's all I got right now

Happy Monday, lovely ❤️