Reducing stress as an entrepreneur.//.kiss#103

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

Hello, fellow minimalists! Happy new month to all of you. I'm thrilled to be writing here for the first time. This week's topic is stress management, so let's delve into it. Stress is often caused by various stressors and can significantly impact one's mental and emotional well-being. As a business owner juggling a day job and various online activities, stress has become an integral part of my life.

Since the beginning of this year, I've been dealing with a multitude of stressors, including work, business obligations, and my personal goals for the year. However, I've developed some effective strategies for managing my stress.

Firstly, I find solace in discussing my stressors with either God or someone I trust. I've noticed that verbalizing my stress provides me with valuable advice and also offers a sense of relief. I find it calming to talk about my stress.

Being both a secondary school teacher and a business owner, most of my stresses are usually work-related. However, delegating responsibilities has helped me to relieve stress significantly.
In early January, I was faced with the struggle of relocating and resuming my new job while having pending orders for my sewing business, I reached out to my mom for assistance. Her support not only eased my burden but also ensured the timely completion of the orders. So I have learned that I don't have to do everything myself and it ok to ask for help. life has been so much easier with delegation.

Additionally, I take breaks or go out whenever I feel overwhelmed. Instead of stressing myself, I usually engage in some relaxing activities such as napping, drawing, reading, or simply stepping out for a walk or a drink. Removing myself from the stressful environment helps alleviate tension.
I have also stopped myself from working on Sundays. I have designated Sunday as a day of rest, free from all the stresses accumulated throughout the week, and also prepare myself for the new week.

Another way I reduce stress temporarily is by eating. I can’t consider myself a food enthusiast, but the sight and taste of delicious meals have a calming effect on me. No matter how stressed I can be when I see good food and chilled drink, my body will calm down automatically haha.

Lastly, I practice meditation and breathing exercises in my routine to manage stress. While I'm still an amateur in practicing these techniques, I've noticed very little and no improvement but I usually do it when lm stressed.

In conclusion, stress is a common challenge, but with effective coping mechanisms and support systems in place, it's possible to overcome stress successfully.

Thanks for reading my blog and have a fabulous day ahead ❤️✨

All images are mine


Removing myself from the stressful environment helps alleviate tension.

As long as this can be done, it should be done. Nothing like getting out of that stressful spotlight and breathing fresh air to reboot ourselves.

I'm glad that on the work front you delegated and also took Sunday to rest. That sounds great to me 💫💫💫💫.

Yh, definitely, thanks for your comment

Firstly, you look beautiful, and your skin glows. Hehe, it is not easy managing stress after each days work with what you are doing. It gets suffocating, which is why talking to someone you trust may help.

Also, seeking help is another awesome way to go coupled with eating food and then meditation.

Yes, exactly
Thanks for commenting:)
And your complement 🥰 I’m blushing 😂
Thanks sis

Hehe, you are welcome, sis

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Stress is almost inevitable but we must be in control just like you have explained. Having too much to do can invite stress and it's good to break down the job when it's possible.

Food is a stress therapy for me and it's one of the reasons I love to cook.

As a child, I often overthought and overstressed various things. But I know that it is possible to completely remove stress from your life. Nowadays I live a completely calm lifestyle without any stress. Everyone should find his/her own solutions both physically and emotionally. It is completely possible. Maybe it feels like "almost inevitable" at the moment, but actually it is completely possible. Maybe it feels like something hard and difficult to achieve at the time, but actually it is one of the easiest things.

Ok chef :)
Im sure everyone has their own way of reducing stress

Thanks for your comment

Oh gosh! See me drooling 🤤 already at the sight of this food
Yeah, you know it
Good food and chilled drink actually does reduce stress, I can testify of that. Lol

Lol, food can work magic 🙂, thanks for commenting