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RE: Productivity guides don't work on me—here are my workarounds

in The MINIMALISTlast year

the atmosphere is relatively cooler and it feels like the universe is one with me

It's the fact that can totally relate with this. Working at night has a very different yet relieving feeling to it. For me, everything just seem more calm and my brain seems to function better.

I don’t do much cycling these days but when I used to live in a different city, I used to go on biking sessions almost every day,

Whenever I hear people talk about cycling, I remember that I added cycling to my to-learn list but I guess I haven't found the right time to go for it😅. It's amazing to hear that you used to cycle everyday. You must be very fit.

I !LUVed this post because I could relate with it extensively, thanks for sharing✨


I was almost fit you could say during my cycling days, but right now, sitting at home, I gained a few kilos, which appears to be very persistent and keen on staying on!

Cycling ain't that hard, just try one day. Take a friend with you and just go at it. You will learn it within an hour. Getting on reads might take a few sessions though.
Thanks for the luv token and good luck with your cycling journey (if you choose to accept it)!