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RE: Why I Became a Minimalist

in The MINIMALIST3 years ago

I don't consider myself a minimalist, but I also don't consider myself to be living in excess. Seeing a minimalist lifestyle as portrayed in a TV documentary, I was drawn into its core principles. However, I didn't indulge myself too on those principles because I gave myself an allowance to enjoy life's excess considering the deprivation while growing up. So while I have not embraced the minimalist lifestyle yet, this post has resonated with me in so many layers.

Even when I was deprived of the luxuries in life while growing up, I always consider myself to be living in moderation. I won't gorge on food so I'll stop eating when I feel full. I have not been so addicted to something because being able to satisfy my curiosities is enough for me. This is just me projecting, but I can feel that if I embark on a minimalist journey, it would not be so difficult for me.

I'm more drawn into this:

Minimalist living is a lifestyle that gravitates towards simplicity, clarity, intention, and purpose.

I think those things are what matters. The rest are just icing on the proverbial cake.


I think you're already living it by example since you take things in moderation and don't live in excess, focusing more on experiences and purpose behind every decision you make. I guess I won't qualify as an extreme minimalist or the purist either as shown on TV.

I liked what Sadiya, a vlogger of Pick Up Limes said about her experience in what she wishes she knew before starting minimalism,

"I wish someone had told me that what works for somebody else may not necessarily work for me. It's purely a decision we make for ourselves. The wonderful way about minimalism is there is no right or wrong way to do it. "

I too agree that being a minimalist will be natural to you.

Yeah! It's really a decision for ourselves and to ourselves. We don't answer to anyone but ourselves. Wait. Does cutting ties with people who don't matter to you can be considered minimalism? Because I'm really good at it. 😁

Guess what, yes it is 😁 under establishing meaningful relationships. As part of being authentic and truthful to oneself, cutting ties is inevitable at times.

We're vibin' at this hour! 1:11 AM!

Omg, I didn't realize it's past 1 AM already?