Rejected - eng/esp

Sometimes the tastes between the photographer and the client do not coincide when it comes to choosing photos. Sometimes, as in this case, there are so many good photos taken in a session, and so few to choose from due to the barrier of a contract, that many are left that are worth it. This sequence of this young girl, there were many angles and poses that were worth selecting, but to take 20 photos with 5 changes of clothes, it was really difficult. More photos taken that day, in this previous post. All unedited, all SooC (Straight Out Of Camera)

A veces no coinciden los gustos entre el fotógrafo y el cliente a la hora de escoger fotos. A veces, como es este caso, son tantas las fotos buenas hechas en una sesión, y tan pocas a escoger por la barrera de un contrato, que se quedan muchas que valen la pena. Esta secuencia de esta jovencita, hubieron muchos ángulos y poses que bien valía la pena seleccionar, pero para sacar 20 fotos con 5 cambios de ropa, realmente estaba difícil la cosa. Más fotos tomadas ese día, en este post anterior. En todos los casos, las fotos se las muestro tal cual salieron de la cámara, sin retoques de ningún tipo.

Thanks for the opportunity!
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Very cool photography. The woman can give a good style.

Thanks! 🙌🙌🙌

Must be frustrating Abel, but it's not your fault as the photos are great, as always!

Their problem, I'll keep those as social media material ☺️😜