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RE: Don't make lemonade, just photos

Mine is the normal S21 version. Ultras have better cameras... I like the performance of the S23 Ultra cameras but the thing is huge. I'm more of a compact phone fan, but these ones don't sport insanely good cameras.

Oh, and true, DSLRs and mirrorless are way superior to any Galaxy camera, but you don't get to carry these around at all times...

There has to be a tradeoff.


A trade-off indeed. I'm not a carry phone around all the time guy. I leave it home a lot, and mostly it's on flight mode. My phone is for my own convenience not other people's and if they have something important they'll text or leave a message. Nothing is so vital that I need to attend to it with immediate effect. But, I carry it around when I'm likely to be somewhere I might get some images. I take my camera a lot of placed for the same reason.

I'm the type who takes his smartphone everywhere, thus size matters.

Fair enough. The S22 Ultra is sort of big although I put it in my pocket, the back one usually. I also have a big-ass case for it, to protect it from drops and that adds to the bulk. I'll get a smaller one next time I think, but I may need bionic eyes to go with it.

You can do some tweaks on it for better visibility. I'm not a fan of using cases but these new models really need em. They're so slippery... I remember how tough the Nokia 3310 was. Dropped it tens of times on all sorts of surfaces and barely had a few scratches.

Lol, yeah these days phones are pretty much made of glass so a case is required. I paid $2,000 for my S22 Ultra, I'm not keen on fucking it up. I had a Nokia 3210 and used it to hammer nails, level out my car when changing a flat and once even used it as a raft to float over Niagara Falls. It was unbreakable. These days, I'm a lot more careful with my phone.

I probably didn't use my 3210 for any of those uses.

I probably didn't use my 3210 for any of those uses.

you could if you wanted... New phones are cheap as hell. A fully packed Samsung S23 Ultra is almost the same price as my car :))

Lol, yeah it's bonkers how much phones cost. I was talking to someone about this a few weeks ago. I paid $2,500 for my well-specified Microsoft Laptop three years ago. Last year, $2,000 for a bloody phone. It doesn't make much sense. Still, the demand is there and they'll take advantage I guess.