Getting back in the flow with street photography | 15 rolls - Day 10

We are two thirds through the challenge, with a little bit of skipped days here and there, but still going strong. This is the most I've been photographing consistently and doing it with focus in over two years. I used to go out on the street walks recently as well, but there were times when I would walk the entire city for 2 hours and end up only with couple of photos. There was a lack of inspiration or vision, I simply forgot why I love to do street photography (the topic of my next post).

The rut started with the p(l)andemic, I turned inwards and was doing a lot of work on myself. I switched to plant based diet, started reading a lot of spiritual books and my instagram re-oriented from photography based to sharing the wisdom and lessons learned that transcend the problems of our human experience. I felt the calling to help others and start finding my tribe, and in the process ended up connecting with some amazing souls. Well I'll talk more about all that in a dedicated post.

Now I feel ready to start expressing myself again through the medium of photography. By harnessing the energy in our gut and lower abdomen and not wasting it away, it is able to express itself in a creative way through the process of transmutation. You can even make a direct connection between sexual energy and our ability to create.

I've always been drawn to street photography - since the first camera I bought back in 2017 when I was just starting on Steemit, I would walk the streets and the lens would, like a reflex, turn towards the people. I was less excited about the street itself and instead attracted to its fascinating inhabitants. Happy to be creating stories about them again. Hope you enjoy day 10.

This challenge is designed to push me to shoot more, think more about what I'm shooting and also to start posting more regularly. It's supposed to imitate shooting a film camera, 1 roll each day and posting the results. Recently I shot a roll of Kodak film and it inspired me to bring this series back. Here are the general guidelines:

- Create up to 36 photographs each day
- Select and post at least 10 photographs
- Don't look at images on the LCD screen


This is such a cool series. I love seeing the different shots each day you post them.

Appreciate it so much, man! It's fun for me as well, always looking for new opportunities to make interesting photographs.

great work! cheers!

Cool shots ❤️

Thank you!

I love how you captured the expression on the people!! Great pics!

Thank you so much! :)