5 minutes to the night

Such a picture can be seen only twice during the day: at sunrise and sunset. And for no longer than 5 minutes. At this time, everything becomes incredibly beautiful. To meet such a sight in the mountains is one of the best things to see. Look at dozens of kilometers of snowy mountains, millions of trees. And at that moment comes the realization of how small a person is in this world








Wow! This is exactly how you wrote it: it's incredibly beautiful. This colors... whith this white trees... Lack of words.

thanks). Yes, it was incredible. I haven't seen such clouds for a long time

Such beautiful winter shots! That first one especially is spectacular.

thank you, I chose between the first picture and the second for a long time). Everyone is beautiful in their own way

These pastel colors in the sky are so nice with the snowy landscape. Awesome shots.

Thanks. so then the sun played together with the snow-capped mountains

An amazing landscape

Thank you)

Hello @alokeen

The snow covered trees and mountains are very beautiful.

This is a beautiful sunset!

Thank you.

Barb :)




Posted via Veews

Thank you)

You're welcome @alokeen !BBH !CTP !HBIT

Hello @alokeen I found you on Veews a new Hive tool to explore everyone on Hive 😊
I love your Mountains sunset pictures of trees, mountains, and snow.
They are exquisite photos!
I reblogged your post and shared on Threads.
Barb 😊

Thank you it's nice to hear such feedback)

You are most welcome @alokeen !BBH !CTP !HBIT

Thank you. that's exactly how everything was), towards the end I already lowered the camera and just enjoyed)