Sushi: history and traditions

Sushi is a Japanese dish that has become popular all around the world. It consists of small portions of rice with various fillings, usually made of fish or seafood.
Sushi comes in many different types, from classic rolls to gunkan, nigiri, and other variations. The most popular filling is raw fish, particularly tuna, salmon, and lobster. Vegetables can also be used, either raw or grilled.
Preparing sushi is an art, and it takes time and experience. The ingredients must be fresh and of high quality, and the rice must be prepared using a special technique to maintain its shape and texture.One of the main components of sushi is soy sauce, which is used to add a sweet and salty taste. Wasabi, horseradish, and ginger can also be added for extra flavor and aroma.Sushi is not only a delicious dish, but it is also healthy. It contains plenty of protein and essential fatty acids, which are beneficial for health. However, as with any food, it is important not to overindulge.In conclusion, sushi is a great dish for those who enjoy a variety of tastes and want to try something new. It is an art of cooking that requires experience and patience, but it can bring pleasure and satisfaction from food.














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Ok now I'm hungry 😍