Flower Garden et my house

Assalamu alaikum. This is me mst. Afrin. I hope you are well, i am also well. Today I will share with you some pictures of flowers from my home flower garden. Hope you like it.
The name of this flower is jaba flower. Its color is amazing. my favorite flower.

My house has white roses, pink roses, red roses. Hope you like these flowers too.

There are many colorful grasses in my garden. AJ here white, pink, orange, yellow. What more beautiful colors. What peace it feels like when they bloom is beyond words. I feel the peace of the eyes. I really love flowers. Hope you like it too.


This is red roses and yellow roses. I love THIS flower so much.
This is yellow roses. My most favorite flower and this flower is my beautiful garden. I hope u like my garden .

Thanks for reading my blog💖

All photos are taken using my phone.
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