
Good morning my dear hive friends..

Before 2 days ago I have managed to take long waiting image

On my way to the river Laune I brought my camera and Telephoto lens. In hope I'll find something interesting..

Near the river on small branch I have noticed small brown bird

Dunnock is a small and inconspicuous bird that is often found in gardens and hedgerows. Known for its secretive behavior, it can be difficult to spot. Despite its unassuming appearance, it is an interesting species, known for its complex social behavior and mating rituals

Dunnocks are native to large areas of Eurasia, inhabiting much of Europe including Lebanon, northern Iran, and the Caucasus. They are the only commonly found accentor in lowland areas; all the others inhabit upland areas. Dunnocks were successfully introduced into New Zealand during the 19th century, and are now widely distributed around the country and some offshore islands

If you want to know more about it here is the link

There was lots of birds, but this one posed so beautifully, last year I was trying to get similar photo but every time they got scared.. So.. I'm super happy.

Enjoy your day..


Nice one there @anitahorvatirl. Indeed it is a special species of its kind. you have a great snapshot of it. I love the view of those snapshots and the posture that you have got there. thanks for sharing. enjoy your day.

Beautiful model. ☺️ @anitahorvatirl

Indeed he is. And I'm super happy

Yes.. Did you give talent fee?? 😅😅 @anitahorvatirl

😂😂 Nope

You must give HBD to the bird. 😅😅 @anitahorvatirl

Well I will but I will buy a new lens for me so she will be even more beautiful

I am a newbie developing an interest in nature and photography. I want to learn some photography tips too. Please I have a question, in your snapshots, I noticed that the background of the pictures was blurred to allow the main image more visible. how do you achieve that?

My settings for this image was
iso 1600
F5.6 THE smallest f is more blurry background will be. And if you don't achieve that just it in lightroom 😍..

Wow! That's great. Thanks for the insight. It's been thrilling engaging you. Thanks once more. Do have a wonderful time ahead.

Beautiful chubby little guy (or gal).
