Sublime and Beautiful Sunday - checking out the newest part of the growing city of Astana.

in Photography Lovers11 months ago

Hello friends,

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

Sunday is a great time to go out. We decided to finally go for a walk somewhere new. This part of the city where most of the businesses are located. You can find all the modern facilities and services here.


I really liked new buildings that weren’t here 10 years ago. Everything looks new. It’s such a cool feeling, when I know that it’s my old city, but at the same time the buildings are new for me.

The picture below is a new IT university, it looks like a high-tech style, pretty cool.




Our plan was to walk at the park first. But after park I wanted to get some art supplies. So my husband told me that it’s nearby about two bus stops away. We decided to walk there.




On our way we saw a big building complex that was a ballet/choreography center. I was impressed by the size of the complex. I wish I could see it inside.


The mall’s name is Mega Silkway and it’s next to the big sphere museum.



In 2017 the capital of Kazakhstan hosted an EXPO exhibition, themed "Future Energy". Nur Alem National Pavillion is an after-exhibition heritage, now serving as a museum of future energy in Kazakhstan. Its unique spherical shape was still attracts much attention.


I’m hoping to visit this unique museum sometime soon. I’ve heard a lot of great reviews about it.



A few more photos of the buildings and the beautiful sign of the city’s name. The name of the city was changed so many time, I can’t remember even the exact number. I think it was changed four or five times.




If you happen to be somewhere near Kazakhstan I suggest you visit Astana. Its left bank of the river is very modern, and I can see why tourists feel here very safe.

I hope you enjoyed the photos.

All the photos in my posts are taken by me, copyright (c) @artmom.

DeviceIPhone 12 Pro
ThemeSublime and Beautiful Sunday
ObjectAstana capital of Kazakhstan.
Captured by@artmom

Thank you for visiting!


I love the architecture and the reflections a lot. You did a great job.

Thank you @erikah 🤗

Yay! 🤗
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Few buildings there really have interesting design

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