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RE: Canadian Astrophotography

in Photography Lovers9 months ago

How beautiful to be able to contemplate the stars in full, far away from light pollution. I have seen the best starry nights camping on the beach, I hope to be able to camp in the mountains and compare. Sometimes it's good to get away from it all.


It is a gift indeed. One of our crew actually mentioned how privileged we were to be able to visit this place through 3 hours of driving and another 3 of paddling. In the big city, you cannot see these stars much because of the light pollution. In the middle of Algonquin Park, there is very little and we drank it all in for hours.

I will have better views and stories about the adventure in the coming days you might enjoy.

Get to the mountains and post for us to share!

Yes, they were very privileged indeed. Sure, I'll keep an eye out for the next adventures to get inspiration for my own 😊.