Knee-deep in water (visual observation from 11 photos)

in Photography Lovers2 years ago


I am continuing my morning walk along the riverbank and will even go to the middle of the river now to show you something unusual. The usual view is from the shore. Now we will break this tradition.


On this panorama you can see two rivers at the same time. The fact is that I entered the water at the place where the Logovezh River flows into the Tvertsa River. After 50-60 kilometers, Tvertsa flows into the Volga River. This is the most famous river in Russia. It is called the Volga-Mother. In ancient times, it was called Ra. Do you remember the god Ra from the Egyptian pantheon? A random coincidence? I think not. But this is a separate story.

I stood at the mouth of these rivers and waited for the sunrise. I can't say exactly how much time has passed. I just admired nature and recorded the changes with the camera.

You may notice how the fog disappears and the first rays of the sun touch the crowns of the trees.



The eastern shore of Tvertsa remained in shadow and remnants of fog accumulated there.


The western shore of the Logovezh gradually acquired colors.


In the end, it was time to go ashore. But even here beauty was waiting for me. Now I will introduce you to the gallery... cobwebs. They say that the Internet is like a spider's web. In this case, I suggest you admire the prototypes of the Internet.


I have no words...





Of course, these are not all photos of that morning. And then I went to this place in the afternoon. I couldn't tear myself away. It was a real summer day of my childhood.

CameraSony A7М2
LensSamyang 35 1,4
Post-productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright




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Wonderful escape into nature you made, I guess it was worth every second, those river landscapes causes me some peace when I see it.

Glad to see you @sutkyo and thank you for your kind words!

Cheers and !BEER

you're welcome, it's a pleasure, Cheers and !BEER for you too

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hey @sutkyo, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

This is really lovely and nice with beautiful captures. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you liked it))

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated :)