Lofoten - Wild landscapes

in Photography Lovers2 months ago (edited)

Hello to all!
I'll show you some random landscape caught in Lofoten (Norway), at the end of march.

I have been impressed by silence. There was a different style of sound. No car, no people talking, only the thin sound of the ocean waves (there are many archipelagos where water is calm), some rare animals, and my feet in the snow.
Nothing else.

Light is stunning almost every hours of the day, also because of sun is low, and air is fresh and clean.

Here the nice house we have rented in Vestersand, in front of the atlantic ocean.
All made in wood, this has been our warm refuge for 8 days!

That was the view from the window during sunny (rare) days:

Here the entrance to the wild Trollfjord, a fjord in which you can understand well how Lofoten has been created by nature: glaciers have worked for thousands of year eroding the stone under them, so many walls are smooth, leaving above untouched the peaks that were above the glaciers. In this way Lofoten has great pointed summits, and large valleys, filled now by ocean water.

Gimsøya island, with its typical rocky peak:

Lofoten light at sunset:

Here in Vestvågøy island. You can find many lakes, or ponds, partially frozen in march:

Strong wind in last picture. They have built an amazing road, with some bridges and some long tunnel below water surface. This road, for many kilometers, passes away from town, so you are into the wild, with blue ocean and snowy mountains all the way long!

Here you can watch more, don't miss the new video 'Kingdom of silence'!

Pictures taken with Sony Alpha7iii and Nikon D800.
March 2024.


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Gentle pastel lighting in daylight hours in frigid conditions gives way to a beauty all of it's own.

Lovely place to enjoy during this time of the year!

@tipu curate

Thank you! I love Lofoten, it is a place where I wish to live (only trouble would be the endless sleepless nights waiting Aurora Borealis)

First picture Is the most impressive, snow with a clean Sea in front

Thank you! Also for me, it was stunning to sea snow and ocean at the same time...

I stood up and applauded when I looked at this photo!!!!... Apotheosic!


Great post @barnabo73 friend!

!discovery shots

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thank you!

Thank you!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

These views are really amazing
Lovely views!

Thank you! You can watch more in this video, published yesterday. I will add now the link also in the body of the post.

Wow! This is all so lovely, getting away to enjoy Nature in its very raw form is really very rewarding.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

Thanks to you to appreciate!

Que hermoso paisaje y muy bellos lagos..

Thank you!

Every time I see these places it seems like heaven these places are more beautiful and one day I will definitely visit here.

Yes! A paradise!


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