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RE: See you later Alligator

Well, you better ask the people for permission first, I suggest. This Iguana hunter does that, of course, since he often even goes into the back yard of houses. And some people have actually called the cops on him.
A 215 lb snake, wow! Thats really big! It eats crocodiles for breakfast I guess. Or everything else that runs around there. Unless its too big, like a cow or so.
It was really stupid of the people to release such animals into the wilderness. I mean, today we know what problems a invasive species can cause.

Yes, such little lizzards are not so dangerous and sometimes even useful.
In Brasil I had Geckos in the house - and the bedroom. It can be a bit startling if you come into a dark room, turn the light on - and then see those things run to take cover behind furniture with lightning speed. And that even on the ceiling if needed. :)
But they are surprisingly successful in hunting flying insects. Frequently I have seen a Gecko with a moth in its mouth. I dont know how they do this - and in total darkness as well.