Enjoy the morning with Tarek Pukat activities with coastal communities

in Photography Lovers3 years ago (edited)




That morning, my friend and I rushed from our residence to the beach around the house, planning to enjoy the sunrise that morning,but when we arrived at the beach we were a little late, the light from the sunrise had started to disappear because the sunny weather was perfect for sunbathing in the morning.
I took a picture of my friend enjoying the weather that morning, very calm, along with the fishing boat that started its activities that morning.


A few moments later the sky began to turn blue, making us very comfortable there, coupled with a gentle breeze that touched the whole soul, it felt very cool and warm because the sun had shone on us.






Not far from where we were sitting, I saw the local community doing the “Tarek Pukat” activity.
This activity has become a routine for coastal communities who every morning become a source of their search, looking for sustenance by catching fish,later the results from the fish catch will be traded for the general public,this activity is familiar to local residents,because this activity has been around for a long time in the coastal area around where I live. Sometimes not too many results are obtained from these activities,but they never give up looking for sustenance,always enjoying what they get.

Tarek Pukat is my regional language,the country of Indonesia in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussala,Aceh.






The community has arrived at the final stage of the net pulling activity, it's time to get the results of their hard work, hopefully the results are a lot, and hopefully the hard work doesn't betray the results, hehe
Keep it up everyone.