The Small Harbour

in Photography Lovers10 months ago

I'm off to a hard, tedious but enjoyable job. Luckily it's not exhausting. I'm having to make a selection of photos that have filled up all the storage space I have. There are photos taken in the last five years.

At first glance, there are a lot of photos that don't need to be kept. The first ones to delete are the wrong ones and the ones that repeat.

It is not as easy as I thought. It is hard to part with my photos. Many I'm just discovering now, even if they were taken years ago... So, I have more work to do than I thought.

Besides the hard is the beautiful. Memories are brought back to life at the sight of old pictures. Nostalgia!

Beyond the feelings aroused by these memories comes the desire to show some of the photos. Those that I think are good enough to be worth showing in the Photography Lovers community. If your opinion differs then I look forward to your impressions!

I started the selection with the folder I named: "My Sea". Easy to guess that there are photos of the sea and with the sea.

Greece is the beginning... and the continuation. This is the second post about Greece.

When I say Greece, that means for me the island of Thassos. A very small part of Greece. The only Greece I've ever known!

Mount Athos

Mount Athos seen from Limenaria, Thassos.

Mount Athos or Atos (in modern Greek Άγιοv Όρος - Holy Mountain) is a mountain (2,033 m) and peninsula (60 km long and between 8 and 12 km wide, with a total area of 360 square km) in northeastern Greece, the Greek region of Central Macedonia, home to 20 monasteries, 12 hermitages and a large number of Orthodox monasteries, where more than 1,500 Orthodox monks live. Source

Limenaria fishermen's boats and a ship for short cruises around the island.




The small port of Limenaria. In the evening the fishermen and their boats retire here. The fishermen go home and the boats stay... to rest until very early the next morning.




The quiet of the evening, the sunset, and the coolness brought by the sea breeze make this the most pleasant place for a walk or a photo hunt.

Now I end with what will begin... the next post!

Old house in Limenaria, the second largest town (village) on the island of Thassos.


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I know that no women is allowed to enter Athos. It seems mysterious to me as well as strange.

This is because the whole mountain is assimilated into a monastery. In Orthodoxy, monasteries with men are separated from those with women. On Mount Athos, there are only monasteries with men. The presence of a woman is seen as a temptation for men who are not allowed to have intimate relations with women (but also not with men).

I've been there at sunset, it is a magical place.


I know you were. I can only reinforce what you say.
Thank you!

The view of both sunrise and sunset is very beautiful and these fishermen work hard to catch fish and sell them in the market.

Every picture tells an amazing story .

The sea at mount athos of northern central Macedonia tell a story of the united Greece's against the Persian empire, this prove how picture can bring back booth good and bad memories.

Our pictures tells Our story in different way and different times.

I love thee sea pictures.

That first photo is almost like an optical illusion, you know the peak is there, but is it really?

I so enjoy sea photos with that golden glow, so warm and inviting. What's the temperature of the water in Greece?

It's never easy to part with your photos, no matter how old they are. In my case, I keep every good and bad photo I've taken to appreciate the progress I've made over the years of experience. You have some excellent photos, good composition, and great color.

How fortunate we are that you share your work with us!

Thanks for your appreciation!


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