Building up for a blizzard

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Blizzard will hit us here in Iceland Sunday evening and there is a warning for the whole land.

Thous of you who have been to Iceland know that there is the weather, and there is the weather in Iceland. That, unfortunately, changes at least 3 or 4 times a day without warnings.

Ský-þungbúin yfir Fossvoginum-MIX.jpg
But sometimes, we know what's going to (likely going to) happen. Now turbulence is building up over the ocean East of Newfoundland heading towards Iceland, and we know what that means. It's like a hurricane; it gathers strength and speed on its way towards us and hits us Sunday evening. But move fast, so it's only the night and Monday morning, then it will be gone.

But as we know, it could also decide to mow south of us and hit Norway or Britain.

Both in Norway and Sweden, they have a name for crazy weather from the west from the sea; it's called Iceland weather, and blame us for it; it's the weather that misses us going south of Iceland and hit them.

Now we can't do anything but wait the next 24 hours and see if it will hit us and how hard.

Sólsetur 23.09.16.jpg
But this is how it's like to live up north in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. No wonder tourists ask us, "how in hell can you live here? This weather is crazy." There is just one answer to it, you grow up and get used to it and don't know anything else. I get bored staying too long in a place where the weather doesn't change for more than a week. I could never live in a place like that.

Also, I like blizzards, the craziness of it, cars stuck all over, all-mountain roods closed, everybody, trying to save the ships in the harbors, part of roofs and trampolines flying off and around, yes, crazy, but for some strange reason, I love it.


Hope it's not too bad.

You would so hate Portugal. It is like 4 months of the same blue sky and heat. Every day. :p

@tipu curate

It wouldn't be so pleasant for me—Yes, meditation whether. For many years I went to Greek island almost every year. I usually got bored after a week or so. I stayed there for a month once. I got an itch to move from one tiny town to another all the time. But that was great really, visiting and seeing new places all the time. But it was good to get back home. Rain in the morning, sun in the middle of the day, snow in the evening, that then was gone the following evening. Never a dull moment :)