Greetings from the "Land of Fire and Ice" (and Water. Yes, and Waterfalls)

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

Iceland should not only be called the "Land of Fire and Ice," but the Land of Fire, Ice, and Water, yes and maybe also a little bit of earth, but then, of course, barren soil and black desert sand.

But especially water. All types of water; rain (lots of it) snow (less of it lately) rivers and streams (everywhere).

And of course waterfalls. Plunging down the steep mountains down into the lowlands where the tourists stand and say "wow"! in their soaked wet rain suit.


Iceland is an island surrounded by the endless dark and cold Arctic Ocean water.

The water is simply everywhere.

And now no summer is coming here in the South-West corner of the country where I live. No sun, just clouds, and rain. Those of you who are dying of heat in a heatwave would of course be happy to get some of this rain, but when it is raining and windy most days I would be quite willing to switch and get some of your heatwaves.

But this endless rain does one great thing.

It creates our waterfalls, and the more of it, the more magnificent and beautiful waterfalls.


Greetings from the "Land of Fire and Ice," and Water, lots of it; yes, and waterfalls,
Bragi H