It's cold an dark in Iceland now like this time of the year...

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

.. and on days like this, I wish I was in Rome again.

Húsagaðurinn í Róm.jpg
Walking aimlessly around because I'm not interested in big monuments and crowded places like the Colosseum and its surroundings.

Wherever I travel I look for places that are out of the way. Mabe cos taking photos you are likely to find interesting motives ( I mean, who wants another photo of the Colosseum? ) like this inner garden I stumble upon on one of my walks around Rome many years ago.

And even here in Iceland that is almost all one big desert, but not a flat one, you find interesting places behind the next corner, behind the next mountain and even in all our small towns, interesting things behind a house in a town of maybe 10 houses.

Even in my little coven where I have taken most of my photos, I have always managed to find new and new motives and new things to photograph.

But on a cold and dark day like now, no, I'm not going out, not to take photos, not to do anything really. I'm just gonna sit by the computer and post a photo and dream of being there. Being in Rome one's again.


I love the colours in this, great shot 😊

Thanks 😊