Shy Hills, Morocco


Shot on Kodak 160 NC using a Tachihara 8x10 camera and a Fujinon 300 mm lens. Scanned from c-print.


Hi There, I am Captain Klaus, a travelling photographer with a
professional background. I mostly shoot on large format colour film.

I do everything from developement to printing in my lab.
Check out @photolabo to have a look.

If you've seen this picture before, it must have been on the old chain...


I sometimes wonder about the scenes in the shot, whether they still look the same after a few years!? How time changes everything! We are mortal on this beautiful earth. Sometimes I wish things would not change at all.

good shooting! and how interesting to be able to work with a large format camera.

As I've been doing this for 20+ years it has become quite normal shooting on large cameras.
I like the large picture on the ground glass, and the slow process. And the possibilities in the darkroom!

what a nice experience! I was only able to experiment with 35mm in the lab. development and enlargement. In these times those experiences become complicated, but I hope one day to be able to experiment in the darkroom with a glass plate..
I will follow your interesting work! 👐

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