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RE: Photography Lovers Community Curation - 5/31/21

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

This community is fortunate to have so many awesome photographers of all varieties showing off their content and captures of beauty! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment! =)


I'm a new member! and will be looking forward to more :)

also - we must be siblings - because i too.... am also bob ross' kid! hehehehehehehee

Welcome to the family! hahaha

ok wait. i'm looking at your face in your profile - and that gif.

and you have me tripping right now. cuz that seriously looks like it could be you! hahahahah

I photoshopped (ms paint) my face into Bob's perm. So, that's my real face but with his awesome hair! hahahhaa

hahahahahaha yes - but i meant the gif - you actually LOOK like that guy Steve! LOL

and every day after school, Bob would put me in the zoooooooone. hahahaha I was so mellow and relaxed. man, he had a gift! i still watch his stuff on youtube and the tingles!!!! hehehehe

I thought i looked more like Bob. You are Steve! hahaha Check this out (if you haven't already)