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RE: [ESP/ENG] Fotogafía Boudoir/ Boudoir photography

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Howdy @saneli... i noticed you posted this again today in another community and changed the thumbnail. Please reread these posts and focus on the part that mentions recycling content. You always have the crosspost option if you are using PeakD... but reposting the same content is not a good practice here on Hive and it can get you downvoted.

Please check those out when you get some time and make sure NOT to do the things in there it warns against doing. I think this will increase your chances of support moving forward and accelerate your growth as well!


I'm sorry, what happened was that I forgot to put the community in my first post and when I tried to edit it, it didn't allow me to edit it and that's why I reposted it. Beginner mistake. I will make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for the scolding, and again I'm sorry.

Not a scolding! hahaha just a soft correction. Once you post you can't edit where you post it to. However, you can cross-post the original one into another community. No worries, i think we all make mistakes.... even after we are beginners! hahaha