A walk around Moscow


Today I had to go to buy some food next to the place we rent an apartment in.


I didn't know that place was so empty, without any stores around.


So, I walked through a little forest and start looking for stores.


I took nice shots there.


It was so snowy.


And I even had to hide for a while in that place.


I liked that little house built for birds.


And finally I found the way out from that forest.


I needed a bank to take some money. And in the end I entered a little mall.


The mall was so pleasant and clean.


I liked as well the traditional Arabic restaurant there.


A lot of cars were in the street.


Great big buildings.


Then I went to other place and even forget about eating.


It starts getting darker.


And many lights turned on.


That was the center finally. So, we weren't that far from it.


I finally found the bank.


I liked in it everything, because it's possible to sit there and even to drink coffee.


I relaxed there, ordered my coffee and enjoyed the place.

Then I exchanged the euro I had, to roubles and get out.

It's really awesome to visit new places you've never been at.


These pictures are beautiful sir. It's nice you found new places as a research of your initial search for food.

Edit: did you recently move to this place?

haha, yeah, I even forget about food in the end. When I travel that happened a lot. Those emotions feed us when we travel. ☺

Hahahaha, I wanted to point out you forgot the food too, but, my head said, "isn't that why he was looking for the bank in the first place?".

I allowed my head to win ... Hahahaha

I love this weather. It's not too cold and the snow is not annoying yet.
Funny coincidence, I also hold an account in sberbank for almost 5 years now. People tell me not to do business with them since they are a Russian corp. haha

haha, I think it's the best bank in Russia, and even in the world it's ranking ok. Because it's possible to find their offices even in Europe. But of course as we all know, bankers want to control the world and as crypto people, non of any banks is good for us. For example in Russia, this Sber want even to control education, market, and more fields in the country. It's not a simple bank anymore, but a big crazy corporation that want to take every business. I think all those corporations are fighting little businesses now, that's why they do so much to make them close. But when it comes to a businesses owned by a corporation or someone from authorities, the restrictions pass them away. For example, we have so many kids places still close because of the pandemic, and only big ones are open and they don't even ask to wear a mask there. It's a strange pandemic. lol