Blossoms Monochrome Monday

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures of the amazing fruit blossoms that I got to experience this weekend!


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Blossoms Monochrome Monday

Flowers on trees, one of my favorite things! The advent of the middle of springtime brings on all kinds of great flowers. There are plenty of early-bird flowers on some of the trees but these are actual fruit trees, so they come in a little bit later in the year which is great, and works out fine for me!

The little man and I were on an adventure, one of our frequent things on a weekly basis, and I wanted to make sure that we checked out the apple tree blossoms at one of our favorite farms, so we did just that! I really loved seeing it because I haven't been able to look at these types of things in the last few years, because I've been working a fair bit and end up just missing it. I made sure to not miss it this year!

To start though, we've got a picture of blueberry blossoms actually. This was a really cool thing to see because I don't know if I've seen what blueberries precursor blossom looks like before. It looks like a little bell, to be honest! I loved seeing them haha.


We also saw one of the other popular fruits that the farm offered: peaches! Peach blossoms are a really great thing but I was surprised they were pretty nondescript in the grand scheme of things. I was expecting something a little more elaborate but nope! The peach blossoms here are pretty simple, a few hairs and a little bit of fruity nectar to it. Sadly that also means that they didn't smell wonderful.

The thing I love about some blossoms like the apple blossoms is that they have a really strong smell to them! I love walking by a tree and getting to experience their wonderful aroma, it is really something special. I don't think I ever really appreciated these things as much as a kid but I am definitely making time to do that as an adult!


We took quite a large number of photos during our walk.. but I randomly selected a few which I shared and converted to black and white for the folks on Hive. This one here was an interesting one of the apple blossoms. The beginning of the trail that we were walking on was right next to the road that leads up to the back of the farm which is nice however it's quite busy in the busy apple season! We've been coming to this particular farm for many years now and the great part about it is that it's always busy. Coming at an off-season like this, and even when the weather is pretty crummy has made it a bit more of an enjoyable experience! We got to walk all over the place as we pleased and didn't encounter a single soul when we were out there.

Getting to indulge ourselves in the aroma and look of all the apple blossoms was a great thing for sure! I am really glad that I brought my good phone with me instead of my normal phone which I use for day-to-day stuff. The work phone, that I often leave at home, is a higher model and has a much better camera for things like this! It was just simply phone photos with a little touch up in the GIMP open-source photo editing software and bam, we get these beauties!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Im very interested to know what an apple blossom smells like. We went to a mommy and me photoshoot for Mother’s Day where the kids also got to make bouquets for mom. During the second half I was on bouquet holding duty, and I could not stop going in for deep whiffs of that beautiful blossom smell!

Have you ever smelled crab apple flowers? It's very close to that! Those trees are much more popular versus actual fruit trees. It's a wonderful smell!

Love the mommy and me shoots, we haven't done that in a while!

We had crab apple trees when I was growing up, but I guess I never stopped to smell the blossoms??? I’m gonna keep my eyes peeled for a sample tree - lol when they’re in bloom I’ll probably cause a car accident trying to smash over and take a whiff hahaha!!

Yeah that shoot was super cool! It was paid for by this local womens’ group my wife participates in. I really didn’t want to go with them, figured I’d be a 3rd wheel/the only man/husband lol- but there wound up being others and I was just really glad to watch the kids play and see the women engaging each other. All in all it really was a lot of fun!

Yeah at this point you'll have to wait until next year sadly! Especially where you're at now. I bet crab apple blossoms are around late February, early March or middle March. For us, it's late early April to early May. They just last week ditched their flowers, so they are all done for the year. The smell of them is wonderful!

Have you discovered lilac bushes? The smell isn't as strong as that, but it's almost like that!

I love those wife group things, we did a few of them. I want to get into some more of them again so we can meet and make some friends!

I have probably(?) smelled a lilac bush? I smell everything that looks pretty, so it’s just likely it’s happened at some point, but I’ll need to work on plant identification skills to hone in on things a little better.

I’m encouraged to hear that you enjoy the those things, I was honestly a bit of a crab apple about having to go it it - although I kept it inside mostly I think, and definitely it was my every intention to convey support and love, so if it shone through at all it must’ve been minimal…anyway, I’m going to adopt into @cmplxty mode next time the opportunity comes up and plan to enjoy it!

Thanks man, it’s cool to hear from you as always!

The pictures look very beautiful
I hope you share some pictures you take with your work phone with us someday
Have a wonderful time
