Peaceful River Photography

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures of a beautiful and peaceful river from a few weeks ago.


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Peaceful River Photography

Rivers are by far one of my favorite things to take pictures of. I hope the people who actually read these posts aren't sick of it by now, because I have so many pictures hahaha.

We took a trip to the mountains weeks ago and as one would expect, you find quite a number of rivers. There were some really big ones, raging ones and also ones that were a decent size but relatively tranquil like this one. I loved taking a few shots of this one, because it was a nice straight shot with some beauty mixed around!


The mountains in the autumn time are such a wonderful and beautiful place. In the other times of the year they are certainly beautiful but there is something special about the autumn. The leaves changing colors, shedding their summer growth to give back to the earth in various ways like depositing their leaves on the ground and in the rivers to continue the carbon cycle.

There is a lot of talk about carbon these days with very little understanding of what it really is. Not to get too deep into a complicated topic, but carbon is crucial and without it we would cease to exist! It's what feeds the plants that we desperately need for survival.. like most things with the earth, it's complicated! Complicated doesn't sell sound bites and ideologies though.


Standing next to the river, listening to the river gently bubble on by, you get quite an appreciation for the small and important things in life. We certainly need a lot of different things to be successful in life but one of the important things that we have to do is take a step back and appreciate what and who is around us. The more local we make things, the better. We have as much control as we can over the things immediately around us like family, housing and all that. The further out you get, the less control you have but that's okay. We aren't meant to control everything. If we can keep control of the most important things locally to us, the rest will come as it may. We can fight for changes to those externalities and that's good but we shouldn't let it destroy the local if possible.

Standing by the river with my family was a really nice and local activity to do, appreciate the sun, air and beautiful sounds around us. That's what makes all the crazy stuff worth it!

We spent about 45 minutes mulling around this spot and it was nice. At one point we did make it down to the riverside itself and we were looking among the rocks to see if there was anything interesting. We didn't find much but that's okay, to me that was good because this means the river was kept cleaner than I expected, which is always a good thing to see! A lot of people are sadly quite dirty and don't think for others around them, so when a place is pretty clean that is a solid win in my book.


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Complicated doesn't sell sound bites and ideologies though.


I hope we are shifting away from the cheap sound bites shit but time will tell

Maybe 'expensive visual bytes' are next!
Just a little humor there. :)

Next to a river is such a calming place to be (usually, unless it's flooding or something, ha ha). I love the sound of it.

Yeah me too! I love listening to the gentle roar

Rivers are always beautiful but one thing that annoys me is that some people throw dirts beside river which is not fair
Anyway, the pictures are lovely

Yeah me too! Thankfully we didn't see any trash on this one!

The vegetation on the banks of the river is very beautiful because when the river water flows, it creates a kind of roar in the river which is very pleasant. I like sitting by the river very much. Your photographs are very beautiful. Best wishes to you.

Indeed I agree! I love listening to the roar of the river, this one was pleasant because it had a lot of rocks and not deep water.

The river is so fresh. It looks like the water is useable also by that time

I like the rivers teach you that you just have to let go some times, there is no way you can stop things form happening, we have no control over things no matter how hard we try, we can only react to this situations when they come up, life can be so simple and complex at the same time

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The river looks so clean also in appearance

During winter, such places become snowy and look very beautiful.