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RE: Watching Hate Become Law

IP laws, regulatory capture, licenses, permits, subsidies, etc. are necessary to sustain mega corporations. Externalizing enforcement costs to government is the only way a monopoly is sustainable.

What a curious inversion of reality you've got there. Blaming all of society's ills on government is convenient but it's simply not true. I will concede that corporations are a legal fiction that couldn't exist in present form without government. The underlying 'money is power' dynamic doesn't go anywhere even if government were to disappear.

Capitalism--the worship of profit. The headlong pursuit of more at all costs and the structuring of society in furtherance of that.

400 years ago, Europe was waging bloody wars over power in the name of religion.

It has definitely diminished a good bit but it still lurks just beneath the surface as the breakup of Yugoslavia demonstrated. You don't have to wander very far from Europe to find it is still very much the case. The Middle East, the Sahel, the Maghreb, China, Pakistan, India, it's still alive and well in much of the world. Being Sunni in Baghdad might not be the death sentence it was a decade or so ago but it still ain't healthy.

Thinking that humanity's problems would disappear with government strikes me as utopian in the extreme. In a society without government it's our responsibility to solve any issues that arise, refusing to consider potential problems and their solutions is at best an abdication of that responsibility. I never expected you to have all the answers but I am baffled as to how you expect to implement anarchism without addressing in practical terms the problems it will face.