Day #5-6 - Creating a spring forest - FV Rape Crisis Centre Stop Motion Film

It's been a rough week. Our fingers are rough and raw from the soul consuming task of mixing plastercine in an attempt to create the perfect shades. But we are almost ready to begin with the main animations.

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I think this project is super awesome and looking great already! I am fascinated with animation in these kinds of methods. I really like the old methods and applications. I know a lot of people realize a bunch of work goes into digital computer animation but the analogue techniques are even more labour intensive! Great job and keep up the awesome work!

I grew up with Stop Motion... my dad was a huge Ray Harryhausen fan. SO, i grew up with a lot of King Kong, Sinbad, and original Clash of the Titans movies. Sesame Street used to have some good animations back in the 80's when i was a kid.

I have been seriously thinking lately a lot about merging the old ways with some digital aspects. I really think i want to get into animating but i need to formulate a clear plan and make the time for executing! Have a great weekend and i am really looking forward to seeing how this turns out!