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RE: PORTFOLIO // How I recently got rejected from a Photography degree because of my high school grades at 33 years old...

Hey @ramdak, thanks for the message. The portrait of Leon was taking with my cheap Lubitel2, it's an old camera from the Soviet Union.

Yeah its a pain, it happens to me every year and I keep applying out of spite if I'm being truly honest.

You are correct in saying the tables are turning, and this applies financially too. I want to make films, that's my real goal. Steemit almost helped me achieve that until everything came crashing down in 2018, lost it all but I have learned from my mistakes. The market goes up, the market goes down, by the time I powered down it wasn't worth selling my steem, and I foolishly watched it drop and drop and drop.

Gave you a follow back and sorry for the secondary rant haha, I'm super duper on the edge today , or the rocks whatever you call it in your corner of the world.