Say hello to my new favorite self portrait and beautiful teal elephant tapestry

in Photography Lovers8 months ago


I take a lot of photos, but it isn't every single photo shoot that I think to myself "Wow, this is one of my best self-portraits ever". Well, the other night that definitely happened.

I hung up what is quite possibly my favorite tapestry. Teal is my favorite color and I love the elephant design on it, it feels like an authentic piece of Indian art.

After getting the tapestry hung, I took the time to set up some dynamic lighting. This would create interesting shadows behind me and also make sure that the front of my face and body would be well-lit.

I did my thing and went back and forth from the camera to a spot in front of the tapestry. I still haven't invested in a Bluetooth clicker that allows me to take photos without pressing a button on my phone. It's not a big deal to me as I always have 10 seconds to rush back to my pose area and try not to look like a complete doofus.

Little did I know that one of these photos would become my new favorite photo of myself. I'm talking about the very first photo in today's set. It is a close-up that turned out better than I could have imagined. My eyes match the tapestry and I'm showcasing a real smile. Portrait mode on my iPhone 14 Pro Max allowed me to blur the background and put all of the focus on my face.

This is my new profile photo on Web 2 socials and I am pleased to share it today. You may have also seen this image as part of the thumbnail for my 31st birthday blog a few days ago. I've of course added 9 other photos to go along with it.

I hope you enjoy it and I do wonder if you agree with me that this is my new best photo. I wonder when it will be that I outdo this one. Maybe sooner than I imagined considering this one was totally unexpected.

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I am loving it 🤩

I think we tend to take many selfie to find the best one. At first, perhaps one or two can seem the best to us. But if you look them few days later, you might find some more better photos, it happens to me so at least :)

I agree. It's somehow a very wholesome smile that lifts the mood of who is watching it!

Hello dear friend @daltono good morning
You are very good at setting up your camera and the environment to take very beautiful self-portrait photographs, I am not surprised they are your favorites
I hope you had a great day. Happy Birthday

The photos are beautiful. Woooooo! You celebrated your birthday few days ago? It is better late than never. Happy belated birthday.

Well no doubt that tapestry matches the colour of your eyes very well, and the shadows make a great effect, the first photo looks great, not to mention all those tattoos waoo, congratulations, your new photos look great....
Hey I want some pictures like that hahaha cheers.

just wanted to say that I think your new self-portrait is absolutely stunning! You look radiant and happy, and the lighting and composition are perfect. I can see why you're so proud of it.

Its interesting. You have a great interest in photography.

Your camera quality is top notch
It is very beautiful
I really love it!

yea.. that matches ur tattoos nicely..

You have a bad boy face, plus those tattoos with those eyes.... God! super sexy, you earned a follow!

! Amazing pictures and insights. I needed to do my next set of self-portraits! So inspiring ❤👌😍

The problems of life go on and on, a person should live happily in the way you are living.

Hello, I had forgotten to congratulate you on your 31st birthday,I hope you had a good time.