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RE: La𐐒iotica ~ ʍacro Line Design ~

This is an amazing job. I love to admire this kind of work but doing it stresses me out. I don't know why I get impatient drawing such similar lines. It's strange since a few years ago I did a lot of pointillism drawings. For some strange reason I have more sympathy for the dots than for the lines hahaha.


Thank you! There is a stress and a tension doing line work like this and pointillism as well. It builds up and oftentimes i find myself grinding my teeth or holding my breath during the process. Sometimes, i get on a roll and it becomes less tense. Other times, i can feel the pressure building up and each line or new addition could be the mistake that would have me start over. So, i totally get what you are talking about with your sympathies. Thanks for taking the time to comment and visit my post and appreciate it!

You are too right. My best stuff comes when i let my mind go! =)