The Birds are Out

in Photography Lovers21 days ago (edited)

Can you hear it, it can start as early as 4am. The chirp chirp chirping. I wonder why they wake up so so early? Typical feathered friends I guess. I made a trip out to our local pond, and it was alive with plenty of action. All sorts of birds out and about. Big ones, small ones, and some in between sizes too. It took about 10 photos to get that first shot, the camera kept on focusing on those long cattails. Finally got a decent photo in focus to show you. I really enjoy photographing birds, and I would like to get into it more actually. This is the reason why I purchased the sigma zoom lens. Sure is heavy to lug around though! Looking forward to showing you more photos in the near future!

Camera: Sony A7R III
Lens: Sigma 100-400mm
Editing: Lightroom

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What a beautiful combination of colours! these birds are fun loving and I guess their early morning chirpings is to liven up one's mood.

Yes liven up, or to wake one up (too early in some cases). Thanks.

That's a great shot of the bird! I can see why the camera didn't want to focus on the bird. Color shots take the day one this one, very pretty yellow. Any idea what kind of bird it is?

Thanks @thebighigg. I believe it is a blackbird, but not 100% sure.

Woooow !!!! ... beautiful bird and apotheosics photo @daveks friend!!!

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Uses: 18/25

It's a lovely colored bird, look at that shot. Beautiful, even after the zoom in the first picture, it still looks amazing.

First time this year putting on that zoom lens. I should do it more often. Thanks @josediccus.

Amazing photographs, especially the first one! Such a wonderful-looking bird. It is strange, here where I live, we are heading toward winter and the birds are so shy this time of year. I also resonate with the 4 am birds calling! I woke up at that time for many years to head to work, and there was one bird that made a specific noise, when I hear it I get a strange nausea.

In any case, thanks for sharing these wonderful photographs!

Maybe it reminds you of having to get up at 4am..thanks for dropping by. Living in Australia?

That is the problem yes! Nope, I am from South Africa.

Yes yes yes, love it. No matter what photography you do keep them coming, stopping by ever day is a morning must for me. Awesome shots, cant wait to see your birds in your area. Have a great day.

Thanks @shoemanchu. Appreciate the kind words. Have a great week.

Although the range map shows that these guys live nearby, I have never seen one. I did a post today about Red Wing blackbirds. There are plenty of those here!

There are plenty of these little fellas flying around this here pond!

Cute bird with yellow and black combination. What is the last pic? Looks like cotton.

They are called cattails, usually found beside a pond or small lake.

Iam seeing this and hearing this for the first time.

It is an unusual word.

Yes. I learnt something new. Thanks.

Very beautiful photography. The bird is remarkable and pretty.

Thank you. Glad you liked it.

That first shot is epic. Can’t say anything else about it.

It's such a wonderful thing to see colorful birds everyday. Let's protect mother nature at all cost! ;)

Yes, everyone should do their part. Thanks.

Glad you managed to capture the pretty bird.😊

After several attempts, I got one that wasn't blurry. Thanks.

You got the timing. Heheeh, welcome.😊

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10 tomas,una foto perfecta. ❤️