Wintertime Rockies ~ Emerald Lake

in Photography Lovers2 years ago


Notice any difference between Summertime and Wintertime? Ok, dumb question. It’s like a world of difference! Mind you on this particular day there wasn’t much sun to go around. Got to say though, next best thing to Summertime Rockies may be Wintertime Rockies, at least photographically speaking. What say you?









Notice any difference between Summertime and Wintertime?

Around 50-60 degrees but I live in the foothills of the rockies so ;)

I’ll bet!

These are some pretty epic Winter shots bro! Thanks for sharing them with us!

Gosh this is gorgeous, even tho we've just been in the midst of a snow storm here in New England, I never tire of snow photos. Our snow, today, is almost gone as it is warm and raining (a very coastal new England winter's day) so this is feeding my 'snow craving' the reflective shots are amazing @daveks

I'm glad I could help with your 'snow craving'. Thanks for looking.

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Winter white :')

Say YES, very nice,very nice.