Samurai Sake Hair ~ Strange Japan

What happens when you drink this saké.



The saké is called onikoroshi—demon slayer. No relation to the manga or anime, which the saké predates by many years. Notice the demon face on the package. Evidently in addition to giving you demon slaying powers, it also provides you with stylish samurai hair. Sweet!

I think the company makes some more expensive offerings, but the one photoed here is a rather cheap sake. That 2 liter carton the older fellow is holding is something like just ¥1000, or at least it was the last time I bought some many years ago. It's not bad, but it's also not great.

Most Japanese advertisements are fairly boring. They tend to use far more text than Western ads and far less white space, overloading you with info, but overall they are uninteresting. You do, however, occasionally run across gems like this one.

Is this photography? Well, sure. I took it with my camera, while I was on one of the photowalks which I often go on and post about. One of the primary purposes of a photowalk is to get the creative juices flowing, to free your mind and get out of the rut of always shooting the same things. Shooting funny things can very much be apart of that.

Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku.

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Me and my cat had that hair style before. Not from drinking Onikoroshi though… it was made by @skyleap 😆


haha that's a great picture!

Lol. That's cute.

Thank you☺️

Onikoroshi and Samurai?! Lol. Japanese advertisements are always silly and noisy but strangely, I miss them sometimes.

haha yeah I love the more silly ads like this

So drinking that sake would give me a samurai hairstyle? Pass!

On a serious note, you could actually find a ton of compilations of the weirdest product advertisement on YouTube, and yes, these advertisement are also from Japan.

You wouldn't want samurai hair?? ;)

I was speaking of print ads that are fairly boring. Yes, TV ads can be pretty wild. But keep in mind those youtube videos do cherry pick the weirdest ones. Day to day most TV ads are pretty normal, same as other places.

That's true.

Oh my!!😅😅
I can't stop laughing to this. No bad intentions here, but this picture kinda says that if you drink this you will end up having a bald here😅

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Bald smald—that's a stylish samurai cut. It's needed if you want to go demon slaying, after all!

😅Lmfao samurai cut?!! So that means when you take this your samuraii hair cut appears and you will have a successful demon slaying😅😅

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Exactly! They go hand-in-hand, after all. Can't have a demon slaying without a samurai haircut.

😅Thanks A lot for making me laugh so hard! This is officially my go to post if i need to laugh off some steam

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I'm never drinking that, I don't wanna go bald. Bwahahahaaa!

Some sacrifices are needed for good sake!

I need to drink this so I can have those powers 💪🏽 😈….and look like a bald samurai