61% of Yesterdays Eclipse

In the USA but not in Path of Totality

I have heard / seen / read for weeks about how America will experience the rapture. Because some local officials where the path of totality was to be experienced issued a stock up on supplies notice. They only did that because of high volume of visitors that they've never experienced before.

I was not in the path but... I did have 61% coverage.


This is my cell phone photo ^^ and I'll explain how I did it..

So, I didn't have the proper solor / ND filter for my camera and if you try to shoot the sun without proper protection, you'll shatter your sensor.

I did however have some ND filters. I stacked a ND 4, ND 8, and my CPL and placed them over my cell phones camera.

I had also gone into my Pro Mode feature and changed my ISO to 50, my Shutter Speed to 1/120000 and my WB to Kelvin 7800. I plopped it into Adobe LR and cleaned up the noise!


^^ this is another photo taken a similar way!!!

The next Eclipse I will see locally won't be until 2044 unless I move or travel. Maybe I'll have a better setup!!!

Did you get to see it?


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