Portrait Photography and Business Etiquette

This is something photography business owners should read!

Recently, I offered up a model to another local photographer. This photographer had a claw footed tub and this model (my daughter actually) really wanted a milk bath maternity session. So we went and I also took her photos as well because, let's face it, my images are non comparable.

ISO 100 • 35mm • F2.8 • 1/500s

Now while being a good person and trying to help the other photographer out my daughter/ model and I got side swipped. How so you ask?

Recently in the past few days the other photographer had a "Friend" share the post she made with my daughter/ model. Which is all fine and dandy, but the issue was:

He shared it with the caption "I love preggo girls" in an adult oriented satire Facebook group making it seem like he was into a pregnancy fetish vs supporting the photographer.

ISO 100 • 35mm • F2.8 • 1/500s

Between my daughter, her fiancé, her fiancé's sister and I we've received over 30 messages in concern her precious maternity photos were posted with that caption.

The photographer was informed. She responded by saying "oh he admitted he made an in appropriate comment". She DID NOT ask him to remove post or edit the context, infact she DID COMMENT "Thank you for sharing"

ISO 100 • 35mm • F2.8 • 1/500s

So instead of rectifying the situation, the photographer rolled with the exposure even tho it was negative.. So now this photographer just committed business suicide. The out pour of support for my daughter and I is amazing! We are very well known in our community and have very strong community ties.

This photographer has only been here in town for a month. This is not the way tk start your business. People are now boycotting her and are afraid to use her for their photos because they might get leaked and posted with sultry tag lines.

IMG_4858-Enhanced-NR (1).jpg
ISO 100 • 35mm • F2.8 • 1/500s

These photos I've posted along with this story are the one's I took that day!

ISO 100 • 35mm • F2.8 • 1/500s

I was able to use my 35mm prime lens because it was a slower paced photoshoot with an experienced model. My prime lenses are manual focus.

But I do hope someone learns something from the moral of this story! Not all publicly good or bad is good. Bad publicity is bad..

Next in a few days I'll share my branding content for a local dispo.