Voodoo Queen and No Gatekeeping

There is No Gatekeeping in Nola

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In recent years, I was the victim of Gatekeeping due to my skin color which people say there is no reverse racism but there is under that theory. This story is about Nola and the Voodoo Legend amf the Queen..

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The above photo is a photo I took of a portrait of Marie Laveau. She was 3 quarters European and 1 quarter POC. Meaning she was more white than not and she was praised of being the Voodoo Queen. Voodoo is a religion that started in Africa (popular belief was Haiti but it was Africa).

While at this particular museum people of all color were welcomed and praised for their practice and beliefs. It was quite a relief.

But Laveau was the heart of their story and so many others in the 1800s in new Orleans!

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She was considered a free woman of color and she owned her own hair salon in which she listened to the ladies of the town Gossip and that was her secret to "knowing things" and being "pyschic". Still to this day people visit her tomb.

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I previously posted her tomb in a Cemetery walk-through but I need to post it again! People would come here to leave offerings and make wishes for the Queen to perform in her afterlife..

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It is now off limits to unattended tours due to vandalism. There is also debate if she's really buried here or not. The tomb does say her name and through record purchased by her 3rd and final husband. Her 7 children are also in here as well according to record.

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This one is an unmarked one.. that is the fake tomb some believe shes really in this one and some also believe she in another unmarked one in St. Louis Cemetery No 2 not No 1 like here.

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This is a home that was built on the original property Laveau and her family lived in. The original homestead was burned down a century ago during the fires of the early 1900s.

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People still make modern day pilgrimages here to offer hair ties and bows to her (remember she owned a hair salon).

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I hope you enjoyed a little small history!!!

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