Big cats in Utah

in Photography Lovers23 days ago


So majestic


While my wife and I were at the zoo a few days ago for an event, we made sure to stop by the big cats to get some pictures. I have a fascination with big cats and have loved them for a very long time.

When I was in Tanzania a few years ago, we went on a safari and one of my favorite parts was being so close to these majestic animals. I remember being within just a couple feet from lions and it was such an amazing experience.

While we were there at the zoo, the male lions were roaring pretty loudly and it was so cool. There roars were very deep and you could feel the power in your chest. It would be so scary to be out in the wild and hear that and wonder where these animals were.

I hope you enjoy these shots I got of the big cats that were on display at the Hogle Zoo. I wish the jaguar would have been more active while were there, but it still looked really cool sleeping.
















I love your pictures!! I can’t imagine how beautiful could be to see those animals in their habitat!

Thank you.

Awesome big cat captures man.

The lions are king in my book.

Thanks homie. Lions are so awesome. I just want to pet one at some point in my life. lol

The lion looks very beautiful friend.

Thank you. They were so big.

Wow! You really got incredible shots. The cats look so content and healthy.

I can’t wait to see a Tiger someday
I think that’s one of the wild animals that I am really willing to see

I can imagine how cool it was to hear the lions roar up close. Must have been such a powerful experience

It was really cool. You could feel the vibrations from so far away.

Wow, what beautiful animals and the pictures show them off very well! The pictures are great! 👍
