My little buddy

in Photography Lovers4 years ago


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

He just wants to hold hands


Rusty likes to lay up in the cat tower and every time that I walk by him, he sticks his arm out for me to massage his paw.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Ever since he was just a little baby, I would hold him and massage his paws to help him relax and fall asleep. It is sad that he is getting so big, but it is nice that he still wants to be around me and wants to snuggle.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Both Rusty and Keiichi have been the best cats that we have ever owned.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

I am so glad that my wife and I found them and rescued them when they were just tiny little babies.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Ever since we brought them home, Titus has been in love with Rusty and always wants to make sure that he is safe.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

It is crazy to think that this little guy is now over one year old.


These are awesome photos, and beautiful critters. I have an orange tabby named Arlo and he's my best friend.

Thanks. Orange tabbies are awesome cats.