Weird animals at the aquarium

in Photography Lovers3 years ago


Some interesting animals


So not everything at the aquarium was water related. They did have some odd choices for animals there, like this porcupine thing. I don't remember what species of porcupine this is, but it has a lot shorter quills and a massive nose. The first time we went, it was hiding up in its box, so we weren't able to get a glimpse of how odd it looked.


They did have a bunch of penguins. I wanted to go in and play with them, but I think that costs around $300 to be able to go in there and feed them. I will just take pictures of them instead.


I have heard penguin enclosures stink pretty bad as well, so that is another reason to stay on this side of the glass.


They did have a few ducks wandering around the Utah exhibit. We have a family of ducks near my home that look just like this one.


This little guy was happy to get his picture taken and was smiling the whole time. It sure does look weird with those eyeballs bulging off the side of its head.


Cute creatures indeed! The duck is so shiny and perfect that it looks like made of plastic.
I love the color treatment you do to your photos, they give a vintage and dreamy sensation.

Thank you. I am glad you like the photos.

Penguins are my favorite, I've never had the opportunity to see them up close, it would be fun to get inside and play with them.

It would be fun to go in and play with all the penguins. They look like midgets in suits.

That smiley guy made me smile back.