A Beautiful Day in Nature

in Photography Lovers4 months ago

Hi Hive friends.

Hopefully all of you are fine. This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

This place was quite far from our house, so we had to leave for the trip in the afternoon, it was about an hour's journey, that's why we left early and we didn't know anything about the weather, the clouds came and went. When we used to go, this place belonged to a friend of ours, he had bought it,

So he had planted those crops here, Sonjana was also planted, and there were also vegetables and fruit trees, so here, the way you are now. As you can see in the pictures, it was very calm and everything looked very clean and beautiful because it had rained a while ago which made everything clean.

Even if there are problems in life or some other things are going on, still a person should visit such a beautiful place once or twice a week because by going here, a person also gets to learn a lot of things that will be useful in the next life. There can be a lot of work, so my routine here is that I spend one day a week going into the village and learning a lot, which is very special when I meet the village people's.

Whenever there is a weather like this, there are clouds and there is also rain, so the pictures are very beautiful in this weather. I didn't make a collage and that's why I put it above the thumbnail so that you can see its beauty in an original way. When the pictures are put together in this way, the beauty of some pictures is not visible, that's why I made this.

After uploading the picture, when we reached there, the environment there was very beautiful and we were getting to learn a lot that the people there still like to live in the same way even in modern times. They do and are much happier living the same way.

As there are more vehicles in the city, there is a lot of pollution problem and people who have breathing problems because of the more pollution vehicles and more people prefer to stay inside the city, then the pollution. Because of that, it is difficult to breathe there now, but in this way, whenever we come into such an open environment and greenery and flowers, everything becomes much better, which is good for human health.

It also becomes good and the mood of the person also becomes good because living inside the city one has to face a lot of problems every day because the urban life has become very difficult here in our city at this time. It is because of the expenses.

Even when the urban people go to the shop to buy vegetables, the price is expensive and the vegetables that are available are not even fresh. The life of the people here is good. They work hard on it for months and then when it is done they keep some for their home and sell the rest in the market and this is done here on a daily basis as soon as someone when the thing is cooked,

It is taken inside the city every day and then the quantity that is sold has to be wasted because these things always taste fresh and can be eaten even after a couple of days. They can go, but after more than that day they cannot be eaten, that is why it is taken care that whenever they come here, the prices of things should be reduced and sold, otherwise they is damaged.

The day before yesterday, the Non-League government has once again come here and once again they have become the prime minister, so here we have seen that whoever has money and whom the army codes, there is an election in this country. The other party can win, even if it gets more votes, it still cannot form its own government. It is very sad to see that people here cannot win a free life, nor can they take the government of their choice.

Maybe the same thing happened this time. After the election on February 8, the result was in front of all the people that PTI had won but then it was defeated and now the Non-League had won and now they have become the prime minister. It has been and for the next few years they will rule like this and people will have to face more problems because the prices are going to increase.

Here now if we talk about PSL, the match and the whole league is going to be very interesting. The players of other countries are also enjoying it here. So far, Multan has played seven matches. There is only one loss and this is the 8th match. One match with Peshawar Zalmi which Multan lost was Peshawar Zalmi who beat Multan. That is why this match which will start at 7 o'clock is going to be very interesting.

Because Multan has gone to the finals in the last two years and lost, and Lahore, who won the finals in the last two years, was not having a good luck this time and was out of the tournament at the very beginning, so the fans of Lahore this time.

They are definitely worried, but it cannot happen every time that a person wins with hard work, but when other teams are also working hard, this is the case. Sometimes one team wins, sometimes another team wins. As I live in Multan, I also pray that Multan wins the final because last two years when they lost the final, the people here were very sad and if wins, the people here a lot of people will be happy as there are few days left for the finals of PSL.

Read my latest blogs.




A palm tree looks unexpected among ordinary trees ;)

Thanks alot dear.

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Great photos ;)
Really beautiful view of nature ❤️

Thanks alot dear.