Early Morning Walk. Exploring Natural Beauty Places

in Photography Lovers15 days ago

Hi Hive friends.

Hopefully all of you are fine. This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108

According to the routine game today we got up at five in the morning and we had to go for a walk around such a beautiful place. It also happens that the whole world is very excited, so we were also very excited in the morning and were waiting for 7:30 in the evening.

Because these two countries are from cricket love a lot and this match is watched with a lot of enthusiasm oh so then we started our journey and today we were going inside a certain village it was morning time so here we have many special you will see the sights and know how all the people here are living.

When we came here, all the people who were here were up and starting their daily work and if we look at the urban life, at that time all the people will be sleeping there and only those people will get up who have to go to their work, they will also get up at 8 o'clock and fly away, and in the same way this system is a part of the urban life as well. It has been going on for a long time.

Here now, as the goat is going to bring Eid, there are all such people here, the season of their business is going on. They were taking it inside the city because every person has now taken animals and kept them in their homes because of Eid, so there is a need for grass, so this time their business is going very well.

And it is giving a lot of profit but it is a fact that no business can be successful without hard work and dedication. The flowers of different colors are more beautiful and we see them more here in the villages because there is more greenery here. These people are so simple, they don't like to buy good clothes and good shoes,

They just want to spend their time well and live healthy, so they work hard day and night inside the villages and wake up at five in the morning. As soon as they get up in the morning, the air here is very good and it is very peaceful. He told us many special things about the villages which we didn't know, which increased our knowledge a lot and they get up at five o'clock every morning and start their work in the same way.

Now when they are finished, then they will plant a new crop which will be harvested within a couple of months when that crop is ready, its season will be over, then they will sell it in the market. So in the same way every two or three months their work keeps changing.

The view of the sunrise in the morning is also very good and we were seeing a lot of people walking on the road and it was a good thing. So we have to take more care of our health and especially here in our country people have too much sugar so all these people have to take more care and the cure is to walk daily in the morning.

When it happens this way, it is very beneficial for the health of all of us. If health is good then life will be good if health is bad then life can never be good so we all have to take care of our health daily in the same way and the only remedy is to go for daily walk. As you can see in the pictures, the fields were looking very good and they were watered daily through 12 so that their growth would be good and fast.

We also now intend to include this routine in our daily routine and try to get up in the morning every day and walk in the same way in the morning, this will also keep us healthy. And the morning here as you can see in these pictures and also in the video is very peaceful.

People here still use donkey carts in the city, its use is completely gone now, rickshaws have come here. It is used but people here are simple yet they are using the same thing and it is also beneficial because if a person feeds his animal good food then the animal can travel a long way, but here if inside the city people are driving a rickshaw now, so they have to fill it with petrol and it costs money,

But here they don't have any expenses and they have to carry all these goods from one place to another and leave them inside the city. In the morning when we went here for a walk we were very excited because of the match but now as I am writing this post we have lost the match and our team could not score even 120 runs our bowlers did very well.

We were very happy with his bowling, but because of our batting, everyone here got depressed because the match is the only thing that matters within our country and other countries where we match. He is watched with great interest within India but after seeing such a poor performance,

It is very sad because only 120 runs were required from 120 balls and all these were our best men who could not score runs. Most of the management has regretted that what kind of team they have kept which could not even defend such a low total of runs. Due to the loss of the match, I am in some trouble, that's why I am making my post very late, but I will try to make my post again from tomorrow at the same time as before.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.




Early morning walk is the best 👍

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