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RE: We're Getting A Consent Decree!

Here in Pakistan also some similar areas were going on yesterday because the whole world knows that the government that is running in Pakistan wants to arrest Imran Khan but those who are his supporters don't allow him to be arrested. Kareena has done a lot of injustice to these people and one of them has died. And the same situation is going on all over the world now, anyone who raises his voice for the truth is killed in the same way.


I'm glad you mentioned that, I've been trying to follow what's going on there with Khan but I have some major doubts about the accuracy/reliability of the reporting I've seen on it so far. Is the military behind the efforts to go after Khan or is there other dynamics in play?

the same situation is going on all over the world now, anyone who raises his voice for the truth is killed in the same way

I'm afraid you're right, and also that there is long history of that being done. Still, what can we do but keep speaking out?

Thanks for dropping by!