Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Outing In Village

in Photography Lovers7 months ago

Hi hive friends.

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

Sunday means a day of rest and a day of sightseeing and as we all know that this day is special for all of us, so our intention was once again to visit a beautiful place. It was also a beautiful village recommended by our friend.

I love village life since my childhood and if I get a chance in life I will definitely shift in the villages and spend some years there and secondly I love living in the snow region and if I get another chance in my life, I will definitely go to such a beautiful and scenic area and stay for a few years and get a good experience from there and because by visiting such places that give a person experience.

It is obtained, a person benefits from it throughout his life, so the place that was selected for us was also very beautiful. How much more peaceful life is without mobiles and without any worries, I have seen all those people engrossed in their work who have no love for mobiles nor do they know about social media.

But we could not leave in the morning because there was some problem going on in the house due to which all the guests had come inside the house, so we left the house almost late in the morning and now the weather has changed here. So there is no heat at all.

This place was about an hour's journey from our house and we reached there at around 12 o'clock and the way you see the people who were there were living a very simple life. can see inside. By working hard with your own hands and planting a crop, after working on it for some time, the result comes, then if it is good, then a person is very happy, and no one in this world works as hard as the farmers do.

People there do not build beautiful rooms to live in, but they keep a little space for themselves along with their animals and put their own four pies there and spend the whole day and night there. spend in the fields and serving their animals and the best part is that the people there are very truthful and do not like liars at all and only mean their work and work hard.

And after that after some time when the things are ready, we go inside the market and sell them and we found that the people here have no attitude at all, if we were asking them something, they were very they were responding very well and after that we grew a little bit, there were two or three types of crops planted here, most of the crops were planted here with vegetables.

One special thing here is that the people here are pure. They eat vegetables and drink pure milk and all these things are planted by their own hands and here they also kept some cows from which milk was given to them daily and some of the milk they had was sold inside the market. They make their living.

There were many animals and the way we grew up a little bit, there was a cow and the cow was giving birth and the babies were very cute and here the cows were giving milk to them and here we saw one thing. It was said that the grass they had for the cow was self-grown, so they were not taking this grass from outside, they were feeding it with their own efforts and it was giving them good milk.

These people had planted two or three crops in which there were spinach and aloes and that too. The advantage is that the crop that is there is well prepared and later on, as much as they are thinking that so many vegetables will come out of it and more than that, then they get a lot of benefit from their hard work.

And then a person gets a lot of happiness when a person works hard for a few months and when the result is good, then a person then works a lot in this happy life and the way we were seeing here, they It also had its own water system as the crops had to drink water day and night.

For the water system, they used solar panels there because the sun is stronger there in the morning, so this technology is helping people a lot today because the electricity is here. It has become very expensive, people are now living by installing solar panels. In terms of business, even in today's era,

Such businesses are profitable because there is so much competition going on in the city that no new business is set up there in today's era. If possible, it is better that a person should start doing similar work, here the person also gets a good profit.

Here we were seeing that many birds were coming and they were also drinking water and the birds were eating the food that they were throwing there and here we were seeing a lot of seagulls. And there were many other birds with him because they like to live under the water.

And here we have also seen some special things, that is that the time of man here is very peaceful and the best thing is that one advantage in the life of man here is that there is no pollution at all. It is not that many people here have a car, so it is better that the way health problems are going nowadays, then a person should have an ego towards such a beautiful life.

Here now if we talk about the cricket world cup then the fans of Pakistan are very upset and angry because Pakistan has lost two matches and if we talk about the performance of India it is a very good game. They have one player who wins them the match and because of what Pakistan was famous for, today we don't see Pakistan's bowling at all and if we look at our matches in the future.

Tough teams are with tomorrow's match as much as important for Pakistan. India has also lost the match against Aram and now India has won all the matches it has played, Pakistan has lost two matches and won two matches.

They get a good profit from the rice crop and they also like to cultivate wheat more. It is impossible to live without it, so their main effort is to cultivate the wheat and sell it in the market. This time also, we will see how much money they get for wheat harvesting and wheat here.

Village people are very simple and they don't like fast food at all, they prefer to eat plain bread and that's why life expectancy of village people is different from city people. It has become more and more that a village person completes his life for 80-90 years and a citizen is now leaving the world at the age of 50-60.

Read my latest blogs.


Oh man, the colors it's really beauti in the natural photography! Congratulation, good job!

Thanks alot dear for visiting my blog.

I love living around nature as well, this city life has a toll on us eventually, I wish I could live in a serene environment like this

Yeah I totally agree with you.

Nature is simply wonderful 😊. Thank you so much @djbravo for shearing these wonderful gifts of nature with us

I was interested to read about the life of your villagers. Nature gives strength, energy and happiness.

Yeah I totally agree with you. Thanks for visiting my blog.

The Environment is so beautiful and serene,
Good camera quality too
Well done 👍

Thanks alot dear.

It sounds like you had a wonderful time on your Sunday outing to the village. I love that you appreciate the simple and peaceful life that the villagers lead. Also glad you got to witness the villagers' hard work and dedication to their crops and animals.

Yeah Village people are very hard working. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Nice yo see you sharing wonderdul moments of village life.
O can see sun is shining brightly.
Village life is a stress free life.
Buffaloes pics in the description like most.
Nice video dear bro.

Thanks alot dear.

Yay! 🤗
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You're welcome

no one in this world works as hard as the farmers do.

It's not an easy life, but it's a beautiful life. No phone distractions, honest work. Rewarding too.

Yeah I totally agree with you.