
in Photography Lovers3 years ago

To many things to say about Lisbon and no time to do it..

Just let me show you a poem about Lisbon from Eugénio de Andrade, in Até Amanhã, 1956

Alguém diz com lentidão:
“Lisboa, sabes…”
Eu sei. É uma rapariga
descalça e leve,
um vento súbito e claro
nos cabelos,
algumas rugas finas
a espreitar-lhe os olhos,
a solidão aberta
nos lábios e nos dedos,
descendo degraus
e degraus e degraus até ao rio. Eu sei. E tu, sabias?

My translation

“Lisbon, you know…”
I know. Is a barefoot and smooth girl,
a sudden and clear wind
in the hair,
some fine wrinkles
peeking her eyes,
an open loneliness
on the lips and fingers,
going down steps
and steps and steps to the river. I know.
And you, did you know?

Lisbon is river near the ocean, framed in a sunset. See ya tomorrow :)




Thanks for following me!



So Much Beautiful Natural Scenery. Your photography sense is great.

Lisbon seems so deep. maybe here wrinkles and lines add to the beauty.
I love your photographs
I love poetry and its always a pleasure to read one.