Here Comes the Rain Again ....

Will this rain ever end? If I go outside for a walk when it's sunny, I can guarantee it will start raining when there's no place to shelter!

The fungi seems to be thriving even if nothing else is, apart from our reservoirs are finally filling up.

The rusty, coloured bracken is sodden and all the footpaths are a little muddy. They are difficult to navigate uphill and down. Sometimes, you go downhill a little bit quicker than expected!

Even though I moan about getting wet, it can give you that feel good factor.

I'm not one for umbrellas, especially when it's windy. A good waterproof jacket, walking boots, hat and gloves are all I need.

And waterproof coats for dogs are a must too. 🙂

I can remember at junior school being taught that birds danced on the ground to make the worms think it was raining. The worms would then allegedly go to the surface to escape drowning, only for birds to eat them. No idea, if it's true or not but it's a good story. This female blackbird was looking for breakfast.

It's forecast some snow next week. It will be a nice change from the rain, so fingers crossed!


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It doesn't rain all the time but yes I have experienced it. Sunny outside then starts to rain 😄. I need to get rid of the umbrella and get a nice jacket instead. Even though it rained you got some nice shots there. Cheers!

Thank you. Yes, you can't let the rain stop you. 🙂

Someone has screwed up their experiments with weather engineering! They couldn’t control everything and unexpected consequences tend to pop up! They flooded California too. There would probably be heat wave in a few months’ time.🙀😂

That describes the UK in a nutshell!